Release 0.17.0
Date: 24 April 2021
Find out more at GitLab. now supports inline SVG graphics.
New features
Support inline SVG
Breaking changes
We updated the default CSS file to include 1em top/bottom margin for ul ol and dl elements. If you don't have overwrite those values, double check to make it does not break you layout.
Issue list
The following issues have been resolved, non-breaking changes have already been release in minor version update, though we list them here as well.
Version 0.16.5
- #165 CSS | content: none is not recognized
- #164 Layout Table - Auto fill scale on incomplete tables overshoots tiny bit causing unwanted page breaks
- #163 PDF Renderer - SVG images as background should preserve their ratio if not defined
- #162 Grid Layout - Item height is not considered
Version 0.16.6
- #166 Layout Table | Cell height is not taken into account
Version 0.16.7
- #167 SVG | x and y attributes don't work on use satement
Version 0.16.9
- #171 Grid Layout - Track size larger than container size breaks layout
- #170 Table Layout | Mixed row span can sometimes lead to broken layout
- #169 CSS | font-weight does not allow upper case identifiers
- #168 Table Layout | Fixed cell height breaks layout if smaller than content
Version 0.16.10
- #172 Table Layout - Table scaling on page split causes more harm then its usefull
Version 0.16.11
- #173 SVG - Support Polyline element
Version 0.16.12
- #179 SVG - Property stroke-linecap not supported
- #178 SVG - Property stroke-linejoin not supported
- #177 SVG - Quadratic curves (Q) are not rendered correctly
- #176 No standard CSS for b and i tags defined
- #175 Image attribute width and height dont apply
- #174 Layout - ListItem
Version 0.70.0
- #180 Layout - Position running() affects collapsing margin